TIER RATS MC was organized to unite our brothers and sisters active or retired from the Department of Correction, Police, Law Enforcement Officer or any honorably retired Military Veterans and all family members that share in the sport of motorcycling. The bylaws in this club make it simple for a correction officer who wants to belong to a motorcycle club but does not have the time that other clubs require. This club realizes that our family and career obligations come first. This was all taken into consideration when the Tier Rats motorcycle club bylaws were written. As in our careers as Correction Officers SAFETY will always be our priority in all club events.
The TIER RATS MC was originally founded in 1992 by NYC Correction officers assigned to the Anna M. Kross Center (C-95) and the James A. Thomas Center (HDM) both located on Rikers Island. The design of the patch back then had a complete NYC shield and the rat on the bike covered the shield number. The name Tier Rats stand for the Tiers that correction officers walk to make their tours and while doing so the officer might run into an occasional rat. In 1994 after the last correction officer joined the club the City of New York told the club that they could not use the words "City of New York" on the patch so the members removed the stitching and thus tearing the club apart. Most of the officers went into other law enforcement clubs. By 1995 the club went into hibernation. In November of 2011 a former Tier Rats member participated in the NYC Veterans Day Parade. What was noticed was many types of MC clubs with no representation of the Department of Correction. After talking to other officers, they all agreed that it was time to bring back the Tier Rats MC. 2011 brings the rebirth of the Tier Rats and the President is the last member that joined the original club in 1994. The President along with 9 other officers that believed in him, now form The Tier Rats 2011 ORIGINAL members.
The TIER RATS MC is formed for its members and their families to enjoy the pursuit of motorcycling and to help charitable causes as a club. To become the largest Incorporated not for profit Correction Motorcycle club in the world!